Publisher & Editor Bill Ellis

Operating Since 1969
The Reporter Newspaper
A Broadsheet Publication Serving Greater Northeast Ohio For 45 Years
Akron * Canton * Cleveland * Medina * Waren * And Surrounding Areas
P.O. Box 2042; Akron, Ohio 44309
Office: (330) 535-7061 Fax: (330) 535-7333
Email: williamr.ellisjr@att.net
William R. Ellis Jr. - Editor/Publisher
Carlton D. Ellis - Akron City Editor
Carl Gordon - Advertising Manager
NNPA (National Newspaper Publishers Association
Cleveland Minority Publishers Association
Associate Member Ohio Newspaper Association
Black Media Resources Inc (National Representative)
Black Business Professional Association
Regional 3 Publishing Group
ONA Associate Member
Why should I dedicate my advertising funds to the newspaper vs other
forms of media such as electronic or broadcast media?
Central vs. Peripheral
"Fundamental rules of marketing states that reading vs. seeing (visual i.e. TV) and hearing (auditor i.e. radio) is more of a central route to persuasion. Reading is a dedicated activity and attention is concentrated on the printed word. Radio & TV are more peripheral media, consumers hear and see the ad while they 're doing something else.
But why should I spend money with a Black newspaper?
* The Powerful Black Consumer Market
* The Black Newspaper Reader
* The Black Community collectively spends in excess of $500 billion in consumer goods and services.
* Black consumers are More active, not casual, in attaining a copy- of their favorite newspaper due to the feeling of ownership and community contribution.
* Black newspapers such as The Reporter have built strong relationships and loyalties that garner trust from its consumers.
* Black newspapers average more readers per copy via family & friends.
* Valued added Public Relations benefits due to the nature of the Black community's perception of advertising as recognition, support, and a direct invitation, as opposed to a history of' perceived - if you will, exclusion.
Black newspapers have a longer "table life" due to the symbolic and social sense of interracial networking.
* Black newspaper readers skim the entire paper until it is completely read or viewed, with a tendency to look at every advertisement.
Open Rate (1 time advertising): $24.00 per column inch
2 to 4 weeks: $20.00 Per Column Inch
One month: $18.00 per column inch
3-month contract: $16.00 per column inch
6-month contract: $14.00 per column inch
1-year contract: $12.00 per column inch (must run 52 continuous weeks)
Special Edition Rates: $15.00 per column inch
Political Rates (local): $15.00 per column inch (payable in advance)
Entertainment Rates: $15.00 per column inch (payable in advance)
Classified Rates: $1.75 per line (bold print considered 2 lines)
National Rate: $3.68 line * National Advertising Rates: $29.50 per column inch
Camera ready ads should be sent in a Acrobate pdf file and emailed to: williamr.ellisjr@att.net
Paper Size (type matter): 13 inches wide by 21.25 deep * Number of columns: 7
Total number of inches per page: 150.50 * Column width: 1.715 wide
Printed Method: Offset Press * Acceptable Half-tone: 85 Line Screen
Advertising Columns Size for 7 Column Format
1 column inch = 1.715 2 column inch = 3.595 3 column inch = 5.476 4 column inch = 7.357
5 column inch = 9.328 6 column inch = 11.119 7 column inch = 13
To place an advertisement call Carl Gordon - Advertising Manager at (330) 535-7061
Website Advertising and Promotional Packages
Column Ad: A 30 day advertisement that appears on the side of our website. It also includes a link to your website for only $400.00.
Ad on a business card size ad in the newspaper for an additional $150.00
Feature of The Month: A 30 day advertisement that appears in the background of our entire website. No matter which page you click on your brand will be seen. It also includes a link to your website. This is our main promotional package for only $500.00.
Ad on a business card size ad in our newspaper for an additional $75.00
Showcase Show: a 30 minute in-depth interview showcasing you and your business/company for 30 days on our website. This promotional package is designed to give you and your brand the most exposure via our social media sites for only $350.00.
Ad on a business card size ad in our newspaper for an additional $75.00
To be promoted on this website please contact (330) 535-7061
Production Manager and Web Master: Hiram D. Akeem at meccamedia360@yahoo.com (330)937-2632