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Akron Opens Applications for Three Seats on Citizens’ Police Oversight Board

Today, Akron Mayor Shammas Malik and Akron City Council have opened applications to fill three upcoming openings on the Citizens’ Police Oversight Board. The Board was added as a part of the Akron City Charter by passage of Issue 10 in the November 2022 election. Read the charter language here for all duties and responsibilities of the Board.  

Applications are available on the City of Akron website by visiting the Citizens’ Police Oversight Board page here. Completed applications can be emailed to along with a copy of a current resume if available. Residents will also be able to pick up a copy of the application at City Hall (166 S. High St., Akron, OH 44308). All applications must be submitted either in person to City Hall or emailed bynoon ET on Monday, March 10, 2025. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.   

The Citizens’ Police Oversight Board is made up of 9 Akron residents. Three are appointed by the Mayor with approval from City Council. The other 6 are appointed by a 2/3 majority of City Council. No more than two members will be from the same ward.  Current Board members Donzella Anuszkiewicz, Robert Gippin, and Crystal Jones are reaching the end of their terms of service. When the first Board was convened in 2023, members joined for staggered terms. The Mayor will be responsible for one of the new appointments and Akron City Council will be responsible for the other two. There are already two Board members from Ward 7 so Ward 7 residents are not eligible for one of the upcoming vacancies.  

In addition to seating a Board who represents the diversity of the Akron community, the Mayor and Council will endeavor to include individuals who meet the following criteria:   

  • Attorney with criminal justice and/or civil rights experience 

  • Between the age of 18 and 35 

  • From the faith-based community 

  • Professional background in mental health services 

  • Affiliated with an organization representing economically disadvantaged and underserved communities in Akron 

  • Professional background in law enforcement 

The Board provides external and independent overview of Akron policing practices. They also oversee the Office of the Independent Police Auditor (OIPA). The OIPA consists of three full-time staff members: the Independent Police Auditor, Anthony Finnell, the Deputy Independent Police Auditor, Keysha Myers and an Administrative Assistant, Shannon Thompson. Full board meetings take place at Akron City Hall in the City Council Chambers every third Wednesday at 6pm. 

The City of Akron is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public programs, services and activities. Anyone who is in need of an accommodation is invited to contact the HR Department at 330-375-2780. If you require TDD phone service, call Ohio Relay at 800-750-0750 and they will assist in coordinating with the City of Akron.  


The City of Akron is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, religion, age, disability or military status in employment or the provision of services.  



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